Thursday, January 14, 2010

It's Been A While...

So I realized sometime last week that...
a.) I had a blog, and
b.) I haven't written in it in a long time
I went to try and log back on to write again, and I couldn't find it. So I created a new one and put entries in it. Then, all of a sudden, this blog returned! Oh the lovely internet, how you like to play tricks on me lol. I'll import my other entries sometime....

Let's see, what has happened since my last entry:
1.) Brandon and I got back together...why, I don't know....and it ended just as bad as it always has.
2.) My grandfather died.
3.) I joined SWAT (Students With A Testimony)
4.) Football season
5.) Basketball season
6.) Christmas
...and that's about it. I think....

I was looking back on my past entry where it talked about the guy I had a crush on. Well, it's still there. We actually had a conversation on Facebook that lasted a couple of days, but it ended. He does talk to me everytime we see each other, so that's really nice. I always wonder if something could happen between us, but only God knows that answer. If not, then I have to realize that something is far better out there, He's just not revealing it to me yet.

Mr. Rick talked about being satisfied in God and God alone & how we have to be patient for God's timing. Wow, that's definitely been my prayer for the past several months! It was so good to hear it from someone else and not just from my heart. It gave me a reasurance that it is something that everyone struggles with, not just me. Having patience right now has been sooo hard. I've never struggled with it like I am now. Even in high school, it wasn't this hard. God is definitely using this time to stretch me and show me how much I really do need Him for guidance. Obviously, I don't have a good choice in guys. I definitely need all the help I can get in that department lol. And who's better to choose my future than the One who created my future? I can't imagine a dating service being better than that. It's just the constant reminders I have to give myself of 'that is what I want' wears down my patience, I guess. I know, one day, it'll all be worth it. It's the uphill climb to get there that hasn't been as much fun as I thought it would be.